Saturday, April 23, 2011

Join the Largest Voting Bloc in New Jersey's History

When you sign up with the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey, you will be adding your name to the growing list of New Jersey residents who vote for animal-friendly politicians—incumbents (current position-holders) and their challengers. From mayors in your local town to legislators in Trenton, your voice will be heard.

By becoming a member, you are also:

showing every NJ politician that if they cave to pressure from those who abuse and exploit animals, they will not get your vote

speaking out for all animals in NJ—from cats to deer to pigs to bears to cows to geese and all animals in between

showing that compassionate people who care about animals and vote, outnumber the abusers and exploiters by a huge margin

strengthening our state’s animal advocacy movement in the only place it really counts—the political arena


LOHV-NJ seeks to unite animal advocates throughout New Jersey, forming the largest pro-animal voting bloc in our state’s history.

Becoming a member of LOHV-NJ is the best way to express just how much animal protection means to you as a voter. And it’s the only language politicians speak.

Sign up online at: