Friday, January 8, 2010

PCRM asked us to post the following initiative, which we support wholeheartedly:

Dear New Jersey League of Humane Voters,

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) needs your help on an issue that not only impacts human health, but the welfare of animals and the planet.

PCRM is urging Congress to include plant-based options into the National School Lunch Program which impacts 30 million children annually. PCRM's Healthy School Lunches campaign ( is advocating a vegetarian, plant-based lunch option and healthful nut-based beverage options. This would improve the health of our children and help to prevent the slaughter of billions of animals.

New Jersey Representatives Donald Payne and Russ Holt are on the Education and Labor Committee which oversee the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act. This Act is coming up for review shortly. Payne and Holt's support of what PCRM is proposing is essential to get a plant-based option into the National School Lunch Program.

I am looking for as many people as possible to call, write or meet with Representatives Payne and Holt to encourage them to support the change. Would you be willing to help us? If so, please contact me as soon as possible at or 914-305-5324.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Suzan Porto, J.D.
NYC Tri-State Grassroots Organizer
PCRM--Legislative Fund
914-659-5513 (cell)

1 comment:

  1. please visit, (search) 4mula1, read why charities must stop funding animal research.
